Monday, November 19, 2012

Oh Pinterest, how I love you...

We all know and love Pinterest! The ability to turn house hold garbage into something awesome is always a good thing, right?

Well, This was one of my first real Pinterest projects I did.

In the summer we had a yard sale and my mother in law brought over all Addison's old clothes. They didn't sell too well, or it could of been because there really was enough clothes to clothe all the babies on the eastern seaboard. Anyways..

I saw this pin on Pinterest about turning clothes into a cute and easy Quilt! I thought how great would it be to have s quilt of her baby clothes that she could keep forever!

Well it took me a few weeks on and off to do it but I did it. And I was so happy with the way it turned out!

She might not be that excited on Christmas to open up a present with a quilt in it but I know years down the road she will cherish it!

Na na na na na na na Batgirl!

Addison is such a crazy, smart, funny, high energy and spoiled kid! The spoiled part comes from Her Nana and Sam, not me!
She really has a unique personality for a 3 year old. She would rather watch a more scary show then a "baby cartoon". For example she loves Scooby Doo over spongebob. She would rather be a Superhero then a princess. But she is prissy. She loves playing dress up with Full gowns and makeup.
She is a one of a kind! And we wouldn't want her any other way!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

KeeK is a cat...

Proof that KeeK is MY cat!
That is a cup of hot tea and yes that's the cats head buried in it.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Happy 39th Birthday to the man of my Nightmares!

Today is the 39th Anniversary of Michael being expelled from his mothers uterus.
This marks the beginning of the end of his 30's. He may be an old and cranky man but he is my old and cranky man!
Can't imagine my days without him!
So, Happy Birthday Honey! And many many more to come. I love you!

Beauty shop Morning!

It's a rainy, yucky day today! Sammy is putting a perm in Nanny's hair.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

iPhone, I love you!

Just testing how to post from my phone!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

I Guess... I'm Back...

Okay a blog... first in awhile cause I lost my password and was too lazy to try and recover it! lol

So, here is a quicky about Sammy's Birthday Candy Bar cake. Most know Sammy(Sandra) is Mike's Aunt. I would be lost without her! She has helped me in so many ways! She would give you the shirt off her back. And she is a total Chocolate FREAK, like me!

This is My Sammy!

So, today is her 58th Birthday and I decided to try something new... a cake that isn't a cake but a cake shape covered in Candy!! And here is how it turned out!

The bottom layer is Sweetart heart candy, KitKats and Hershey bars, Middle layer is Reece's Peanut Butter Cups and Butterfingers, Top layer is York Peppermint Patties and Twix bars. Hard to see them behind the words, I know. Then there is a ton of Tootsie pops, some Kisses, some XOXO chocolates I got on sale after Valentines day and then topped off with a HUGE Marshmellow Heart Lollypop. I also Printed up some Hearts and some Turtles(which is her favorite animal) to decorate it with

I Surely hope she likes it! We will be celebrating her Birthday the way she wants with Homemade Chili, Chocolate cake and Family. It's going to be a good day!